The current Officers of Orpington Conservative Association are the Management Team of the Association and are listed below. They can be contacted via the Orpington Conservatives Office on 01689 820347 or at
- President: William Huntington-Thresher
- Chairman: Mike Botting
- Deputy Chair - Political: Sumeet Jalan
- Deputy Chair - Membership: Pat Auld
- Treasurer: Vijay Khullar
- Secretary: Bob Blanchett
- Organising Secretary: Joan Newman
The Objects of the Orpington Conservative Association are to:-
- sustain and promote the objects and values of the Conservative Party in the Parliamentary constituency of Orpington ;
- to provide an effective campaigning organisation in the Constituency;
- to secure the return of Conservative Candidates at elections;
- and to raise the necessary funds to achieve these objectives;
- to contribute to the central funds of the Party.
The Association comprises of Party members who have the right to attend and vote at any General Meeting of the Association or the Branch of which they are members.
The governing body of the Association is the Executive Council which comprises of the Officers, elected representatives from each branch and other bodies. The Executive Council has many functions and has the power to deal with all matters affecting the Association and its membership, including the selection of local and parliamentary candidates.
All Officers and Executive Council members are volunteers and come from all walks of life.
There are no qualifications required of any of these bodies, just a keen interest in supporting the Conservative Party and the local community.